Curated by our Doctors and Staff!

How Global SJ Works



Provides a client with a decicated email address and phone line that will be attended in requested language


Reaches the dedicated contact when a medical treatment or advice is required


Collects the information and finds the best provider options and the next appointment availability


Chooses the preferred place, date and time of treatment


Accordingly tentative quotation from the prospective hospital is sent for approval.


After approval from the respective Company and Insurance ,we send them  the Medical visa invitation .


After receiving their travel itrinary, we arrange the pickup of the patient from Airport and assist them to the hospital.


The company is completely kept updated with the patients treatment point to point.


After discharge we follow up with the patients for their visits post treatment to the hospitals .

STEP 10:

Once the consultant approves the patient’s treatment done.


  • Mental Health
  • Tailored solution for the peace of minds
  • Cost Containment System
  • Automated Cost Containment System
  • Services For Tourists
  • Global knowledge, local expertise.
  • Evacuations and repatriations
  • Medical evacuations/repatriations
  • Services for expats
  • Global capabilities, local expertise.
  • Remote Medical Units
  • Medical help where you need it
  • Telehealth medicine
  • Global capabilities, local expertise.
  • PCR Covid-19 Tests
  • Covid-19 testing around the world

Services :-

expat medical insurance companies :-

Global markets are playing an increasingly important role in everyday life. This is seen through emerging countries attracting companies for possible new expansions as well as employees professionally migrating and adapting to local lifestyles in their countries of assignment.

Living in a new country is always a challenge, especially in reference to healthcare. Different standards of care (sometimes no standards at all), language barriers, limited number of medical providers, lack of private clinics and hospitals, lengthy travel time to the nearest medical facility, lack of specialists – these are several, but definitely not all the issues expats may face while on assignment.


Global SJ is an expert in local healthcare . We know exactly what is available and where and how to access the highest level of medical care possible in a particular location at a reasonable cost. We deal emergencies every year and handle the claims for planned treatments.

Global SJ medical team and the insurance company’s medical team remain in constant contact in order to evaluate local healthcare capabilities, determine best treatment plans in complicated cases, and make timely decisions regarding evacuation of the patient back to his home country should certain treatment not be available locally.

Global SJ offers to its clients the following range of services for expats:


  • 24/7 :-

Hotline and email access

  •   Multilingual capability :-

We provide international translators for one who requires language assistance. Cashless access to the insurance approved patients .

  •      About our global network :-

Global SJ provides a one-point-of-contact service. There are dedicated contact lines in the requested regions and languages to ensure the expats can communicate and have medical treatment arranged in the language of their choice with no wait times and administrative inconveniences.

  •    Claims management and cost containment :-

Global SJ appreciates the critical importance of efficient claims management and cost containment practices. We have solid experience in cost containment aimed at achieving maximum and transparent savings to our clients.

  •    Concierge Services :-

We operate as a global company delivering consistent 24-hour TO 48-Hour service coordinated across time zones. Our investment in developing a complete servicing and support infrastructure, using expert resource and leading-edge technology means that help can be coordinated immediately and seamlessly.

Whether at a global or local level, we have the resources and experience to provide a fast and flexible response to our members’ needs, offering fully integrated medical assistance including a broad range of services.

Global SJ service is aimed at providing the insured members of our clients with a one-point-of-contact access to the medical facilities by ensuring that for any medical need, a member is just a call away from having the treatment arranged and confirmed.